Monthly Review: July 2024

Mpnthly Review - July 2024

The second half of 2024 is off to a good start for the team here at Tactical Support Solutions. Read on to see our key performance indicators for the month of July.


100% On Time Delivery

On-Time Delivery

100% in July 2024

Our OTD rate for July was 100 per cent. There were no late or failed deliveries to report.


100% Right First Time Quality

'Right First Time' Quality

100% in July 2024

Our RFT rate for July was also 100 per cent—so everything was delivered on time and with zero defects.


100% Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction

100% in July 2024

Completing the hat trick, we achieved a 100% customer satisfaction rate for July 2024. All of our customers were happy with the service we provided, and zero complaints were registered.

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